Recommind Inc

Initial Job Objective:  Learn and implement Recommind Axcelerate “predictive analysis platform” according to the unique requirements of each client.  Axelerate is a powerful, complex, highly customizable software system that sifts through huge collections of email or other electronic information to identify possible evidence in a lawsuit, i.e. “electronic discovery.”  Each implementation required detailed requirements and feasibility analysis, installation, administration, configuring, customizing, supporting, and training the client how to use the platform.

Challenge:  The product was very complicated to use and had to be learned on the job. The lawsuits and efforts I supported were highly visible, high stakes operations that garnered international attention.

How I responded to the challenge:  Learn quickly, engage in extensive internet research, ask targeted questions to colleagues and experts.  My clients included the SECAstraZeneca, Siemens, JPMorganChase, and NIH.

Why I Left:  I was laid off with the rest of the remote integration staff in anticipation of an IPO, which didn’t occur.  Recommind was later acquired by OpenText.